The Characters

Total Legend Points Earned: 28,000 (5000 last awarded 4/28/19)

Cetharel - Elf - 3rd Circle Nethermancer - Sue

Ermin - T'skrang - 3rd Circle Swordmaster - Christian

Oren - Windling - 3rd Circle Illusionist - Kelly

Quinn - Obsidiman - 3rd Circle Elementalist - Gail

Taurba - Troll - 5th Circle Warrior - Keith

Thursday, December 21, 2017

It's That Time Again

The annual Paizo Holiday Discount is available now through 1/31/2018. Check out details here;

I will likely be placing a large order in early January. On top of the 10%, I also get my 15% subscription discount. If there is anything that you would like me to add to the order, please let me know.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Small Site Updates

I have added a link to the Earthdawn 4th Edition Errata and FAQs, the artwork for the Stretcher Horror and the 4th circle version of Taurba.

If anyone sends me copies of their updated characters, I will update the files and links. PDF or other MS Office formats work fine.